Your donations to Swim with Heart allow low-income families to benefit from this specialized, life changing swimming instruction!
Children and adults with special needs from all income levels deserve the opportunity to gain confidence and empowerment by learning life-saving water skills, skills that translate into resilience and independence on land as well.
Your donation allows those who would not otherwise have a chance to experience the wonder and magic of being in the water to participate in Swim with Heart’s programs. Donations ensure that lessons, practices, and gear are available to an overlooked portion of our community.
Please help us expand the promised ripple effect that learning to swim can mean for those with
special needs and limited means in our community.
General Donation
(please enter any amount, can be recurring if checked)
Monthly Scholarship
Monthly Scholarship $350.00 (can be recurring if checked)
Annual Scholarship
Annual Scholarship $4,200.00 (can be recurring if checked)